Travel to Veliko Tarnovo with a pet when making a property investment
Buy property in Bulgaria and travel to Veliko Tarnovo with your pets through EU member countries without the need for quarantine as long as you have a pet passport
Moving to Bulgaria with your Pets
They say a man’s best friend is his dog, so how could you buy a house in Bulgaria and leave Fido behind?
Particularly if you are British (who would rather leave their wife behind than the dog).

Pet Passport?
Under the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) your dog or cat can travel with you throughout EU member countries without the need for quarantine so long as it is accompanied by a Pet Passport.EU legislation now allows rabbits, some birds, tropical fish, reptiles, guinea pigs, hamsters and mice to travel too - and they don't need a Pet Passport.
In the UK, firstly get in touch with DEFRA (Dept of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) and get your trip organised. Choose whether you and/or your pet are travelling by air, sea or train. DEFRA have a full list of approved carriers as well as ports of exit and entry that you must use under the PETS Scheme.
To comply with the requirements of the scheme, your pet must firstly be micro-chipped, then be vaccinated against rabies and finally have a blood test a month after vaccination to ensure it has created enough antibodies against rabies. All details including microchip information, vaccinations and blood testing must be entered correctly on the passport and then signed and stamped by an Official Veterinarian (OV).
In Great Britain, a government authorised vet (OV) issues the passport. If your veterinary practice does not have a resident OV,
your vet should be able to tell you where the nearest one is.
It is your responsibility to ensure all the information on the passport is correct before travelling and any errors or omissions
may mean your pet has to be quarantined.
If you are British wish to bring your pet back to the UK, your cat or dog may not enter the UK before 6 months have passed
from the date when the initial blood test was taken. You must have a vet treat it against ticks and tapeworm not less than 24 hours
and not more than 48 hours before it is checked in with an approved transport company for its journey back.
If you are bringing your pet in from a non-EU country, then you will have to go to your vet and have the microchip inserted,
the vaccinations and blood test done in the same way as EU members, however, you should check with your vet on any additional
treatments and/or documentation you may need for entry.
If you travel by plane and will be accompanying your pet, some airlines may allow
you to book it in as excess baggage as opposed to cargo, this usually works out cheaper.
Your pet must fly in an IATA approved crate and you should check with the airline
about how to measure your pet for an IATA approved crate. Airlines should provide information guides on how to do this.
You may decide to appoint a dedicated pet relocation company who will collect your
pet, complete all the documentation and transport it safely for you.
To avoid air-sickness, feed your pet at least 4 hours before flying. Give it plenty
of exercise and an opportunity to go to the toilet before it is confined to its crate.
If you feel your pet will be traumatised by the journey, you should ask your vet
for advice and perhaps get it some form of sedation.
Ferries & Car
Before starting your journey by car, either fit a secure dog guard to the luggage compartment
of your car or have an appropriate sized crate for your pet (to which your pet should have been previously
acclimatised). You may also consider a dog safety harness for the journey.
Make sure your pet has contact information on a tag on its collar.
Try and get to the port early so that the carrier can give you a suitable position on the car deck for your pet.
Travel overnight if possible, when the temperature is cooler and your pet can sleep.
Make sure that the ferry company officials responsible for loading know that there is a live animal
in your vehicle, and follow their instructions.
Before you leave your vehicle, make sure that your pet will have enough ventilation (windows can be
safely left slightly open with the use of a window guard).
Make sure your pet is comfortable with a familiar blanket or toy, and has enough water.
Never leave your pet in a vehicle in direct strong sunshine or high temperatures. The use of window
shades will reduce the risk of your pet overheating.
Anyone who has travelled on ferries knows that for obvious safety reasons you are not normally able
to visit the vehicle decks while the ferry is at sea. However, you should be able to arrange this if it is necessary.
The ferry company will tell you about its access policy.
You shouldn’t need to check on your pet on shorter ferry crossings (-2hrs). However, if this is
essential (for example, in severe weather conditions), you can ask permission from staff at the information desk.
On longer ferry crossings (2+ hrs) you should arrange to visit your pet at suitable times to check on it and,
if appropriate, to give it more water and food and an opportunity to exercise and go to the toilet. (check with the information desk).
Eurotunnel Shuttle
When making your booking on Le Shuttle for your trip from UK to France, inform them that you will
be travelling with your pet.
There is no Pet Control on the UK side so all you need to do is arrive and check-in at the Terminal.
If you are returning to the UK you will have to declare your pet at the Pet Control Building at the French Terminal
where you will present your Pet Passport to prove it meets with UK regulations.
Your pet will then travel with you in your vehicle, but will not be permitted outside during the journey.
Your pet can stretch its legs at one of the dedicated exercise areas at both the UK and French Terminals.
The journey will take approx 35 minutes and is therefore much less stressful for your pet.
The current cost for a one-way journey is currently EURO 46, however guide dogs, birds, small mammals
and insects can travel free of charge.
If you are driving, make sure you stop every couple of hours to give your dog a toilet break, some exercise, food and water.
If you need to stop overnight on your journey, make sure your pet is comfortable in the car or find a ‘pet friendly’
hotel – you can find them by visiting: Petfriendlyhotels
For more information and advice visit about relocating with pets, check with: DEFRA
Check out our other info pages to find out more about Bulgaria living
Disclaimer: Yantra Homes Ltd. produced this information solely as a service to its clients and in doing so has taken all reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the content. However, we cannot guarantee this and should not be held responsible for any errors or omissions to the information given. Nothing on this website shall be considered to be financial advice.